This is the latest edition of the KC3 harvester. It comes with 12.6m wide headers and can actually collect and hold the new root crops from premium edition.

In this pack, you also get a huge (1 million litre capacity) trailer that can hold potatoes, sugar beet, carrots, red beet (beetroot) and parsnips. Along with this, the trailer comes with a cutter to cut sugar beet directly into sugar beet cut quickly and efficiently. It can deposit from the back, left, right, grain door and beet cutter. The trailers can connect to other trailers too, so you can have 1, 2, 3 million litres and they connect directly to the harvester, so you don’t even need a separate tractor!

The harvester comes with a massive 7.8l W-12 diesel engine delivering an almost constant 775 brake horse power and can pull almost anything anywhere! The harvester also comes with a choice of 3 different capacities, 45,000, 62,500 and 125,000 litres. The top speed of 83Kmph/50mph is enough to get you anywhere quick enough However, if you’re towing a million litres, the stopping distance is huge even with trailer braking.

Each of the headers, the harvester and the trailer have customizable colours. the harvester and trailer also have customizable rim colours.

As always, this comes with language support for French and German as well as English.



4.4/5 - (7 votes)

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zip FS22_KC3 120 MB

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Eric Daniels
Eric Daniels
19 days ago

Nice mod, it works well. I duplicated the carrot header and made it into a cotton header and works flawlessly with loose cotton. While updating the decal to a cotton decal I noticed the shape file is too large for consoles for all the headers. Maybe because of the telescopic headers, not really sure. I noticed the other style headers that have left and right side rotate upwards 90′ degrees have a much smaller shapes file. I’d very much like to see a cotton header incorporated into the collection of headers since it makes the machine more versatile.

4 months ago

Does not harvest potatoes for some reason, could you please check on this?

Naughty Beaver
Naughty Beaver
Reply to  ron
1 month ago

Re: Cannot harvest potatoes. I had the exact same problem and fixed it. This file is called fs22_KC3 and if you pasted it over the original file with the same name as the beet & potato mod, it will not work. Solution is to delete fs22_KC3 and then add it again after downloading this mod. Works instantly.

Stacey Mobbs Shull
Stacey Mobbs Shull
5 months ago

Fantastic mod 😀 One question ??? Can you make this multifruit? I have onions that use a different mod for this harvester, but I like this one better. If not, no worries I’ll just keep both harvester. Still a nice harvester to have.

Reply to  Stacey Mobbs Shull
5 months ago


Yes, I can make header ‘multifruit’ or just for Onions as well. In either case, I would need the exact name of the fruit to harvest. I would be thinking it would be ‘onion’ or could be ‘onions’, ‘whiteOnion’, ‘spanishOnion’ etc. I know it sounds silly, but the name must be correct so the machine knows what it’s harvesting. For example, red beet in premium edition is not called ‘redBeet’, ‘red_beet’ or any variant. It is called ‘beetroot’ – Trial and error found that out. Using the wrong name could lead to errors including cutting, but not picking anything up and that’s not what you want. Also, if it works on your mod map, it may not work on another as they may have named it something different.

So, in short, I could, but I am reluctant to.

Reply to  SuperSpud
4 months ago

Could you make this for Cotton too? And Multifruit would be awesome.

Uncle Bob
Uncle Bob
Reply to  SuperSpud
4 months ago

Can you make the Cutting Head non collision so we can unload better as the 12M head collides with unloader or make the unload spout reach out further would be cool.

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