LAND ROVER SERIES III V1.0 March 4, 2022 in Cars ➣ Price: 21.000 ➣ MaxSpeed: 150 km/h ➣ Body Color Configuration ➣ Design Color Configuration ➲ Addons: ➣ FogLights ➣ Bumper ➣ Cage ➲ Dynamic Suspension ➲ Animation ➣ Left/Right Doors ➣ Front Door ➣ Back Door Credits: My GameSteam 5/5 - (9 votes) Download mod File File size FS22_Land_Rover_Series_III 18 MB
Could you convert this to fs25
Thats acrually series 2 and not the sries 3. series 2 was last version with the coolind grill recessed.
The dashboard is a Series 3 as is the inny front grill. That was only pulled forward for the Rover V8 engine. Series 2 has a central console and a bench seat
i had a series 3 td4 and the front was flat. So its not just for the v8