The A85 is a Class 8 combine harvester made by Gleaner Manufacturing Company a division of AGCO. The A85 is the largest Gleaner made, boasting a 459 horsepower Caterpillar C13 engine. It has a 350 bushel bin capacity, which it can unload in less than 90 seconds; unloading 4.5 bushels per second.
The A85 has a 4-speed hydrostatic rotor drive train. The engine is a 763 cubic inch inline 6-cylinder turbocharged diesel.
*Max Speed 19 mph
*Capacity 350 bu (12334 L)
* Fuel 870L
* Wheel Options: Single / Wide/ Duals
*Fixed ALL of the blank and missing detailed textures
*Error FREE
*Added Synchronized Folding Sounds
*Added AttacherJoint Sounds
*Added Pipe Folding Sounds
*Added Pipe Unloading Smoke
*Working Pipe Light
*Fan rotates with Engine Start
plz make it were we can put smaller tires on the back
It gets too dirty very fast
It gets too dirty very fast.
They make washing stations…
Oh Well i dont want to use the washing station twice per harvest
just clean the combine after harvest, so you have less cleaning to do
I don’t say it shouldn’t be dirty but not all covered in dirt after finishing half of a field
Ok but it get all brown at the half of the field