I absolutely love this mod but the mulching function option should have been added to the separate plow and cultivator along with providing separate implements. It is a solid mod that performs well. On the 16X map I’m playing it comes in very handy by cutting field prep times in half. For my personal use I’ve added new work areas to the cultivator and plow for a 2 step processing of mulching and plowing or mulching and cultivating. The reference mod I used was the Lizard SPI10M. I honestly don’t see a need for a plow or cultivator mod that doesn’t include a mulching option. SP10M
I absolutely love this mod but the mulching function option should have been added to the separate plow and cultivator along with providing separate implements. It is a solid mod that performs well. On the 16X map I’m playing it comes in very handy by cutting field prep times in half. For my personal use I’ve added new work areas to the cultivator and plow for a 2 step processing of mulching and plowing or mulching and cultivating. The reference mod I used was the Lizard SPI10M. I honestly don’t see a need for a plow or cultivator mod that doesn’t include a mulching option. SP10M
Great mod thanks.
how to use is as a plower?
where tf do you buy it at