Welcome to Bohemia Country 22. It is a converted map from FS19(made by Medas MGS).
Map has dimensions 4096 x 4096 px , !!! ONLY FOR PC !!!
Map offers:
-One main farm
-Extra pigs , sheep , cow , chickens
-Biogas plant
-73 farmlands , 64 fields, including 12 meadows , field sizes from 1.95 ha to 56.2 ha
-5 Forest for purchase
-standard production factorie’s from game
-sell points
-Animated gates
-in the New Farmer mode, farm land, pigs, sheep, biogasplant , on-farm : silo, hayloft, silage pits, fodder compound production plant, etc.
-3 Village
-Vehicle Traffic
Thanks goes to Medas MGS , who gave me permission to publish this map and to FarmerBob for his youtube turorials.
Added more lime stations
Changed one steel shed on the farm
Some lamps on the farm can be sold
Small cosmetic additions
2 more mods from modhub will be necesery FS22_Lamp , FS22_WarningSigns
The warning signs can be moved by hand
Milan 82
Medas MGS