Welcome to Fox Farms!
What the map provides:
– 22 field, 4 meadows (0.2-33.6ha)
– 1 Farm
– Fuel stations
– Water filling stations
– Filling station (seed, fertilizer, etc.)
– Cow pasture (objects: LazyEM)
– Open bunker silos
– 8 sale points
– Animal dealer
– Vehicle shop
– Mission system
– Increased modDesc version
– Fixed AI workers (new savegame required)
– All farmland buyable
– Changed maize texture
Changelog – !!! New save game required !!!
– Improved AI driving
– Improved Premium Edition compatibility
– Cows added to the animal trader
– Carrot added to the map
– Machines added for carrots
– Grass fixed in the crop calendar
– Remowed crops: Flax, Lentils and Peas (Due to compatibility with premium edition)
– Increased modDesc version
– Alfalfa added
– Bushes added at field corners and power poles
– 10 soil textures added
– 3 soil textures changed
– Prefabs decorative elements are sellable
– Increased modDesc version – !!! New save game required !!!
– New plants: Flax, Lentils, Peas
– Sale sheds fixed
– On difficulty levels, the buildings remain but can be sold
– Biogas and bunker silo sellable
– Grain mill sellable
– ModDesc version increased
– Added soil map (Precision Farming DLC)
– Cow pasture gate warning fixed
– Cow pasture milk filling fixed – !!! New save game required !!!
– Collectibles
– Preview image updated
– Dark dirt colored soil paint added
– Road network, map edge can be purchased
– BGA capacity increased
– Cow pasture gate icon fixed
– Bunkersilo fixed
– Straw, hay bug fixed
– Vehicle repaint fixed
– Map edge reworked
Required mods:
Pickup Header Pack (Bcbuhler)
Swather Pack (Bcbuhler)
Love your map played it on fs22 will you be looking to bring it over to fs25
love the map but the train does not come can you please fix thank you
love the map but the production icons arent showing up any ideas?
Awesome map if not for the farm decorations. you sell them stupid orange barricades at the yard by the cow pens and it destroys the pens. sells all the fencing, the shelters, everything gone. 1 star just because of that.
Awesome Map.
Only issue I have is that I can’t sell the Bunker Silos at the Cow Farm.
I can select the Bunker Silo Trigger, but it does not allow me to sell.
I would really love a fix for that. Because these massive Bunkers are a great area to put other placeable for my Farm.
With the new update there’s all kinds of things in the field that stop your planners and other equipment.
Oh and just an idea, your map would be perfect for some rolling hills, there is just something about farming on rolling hills/slopes that just makes it epic
could you make some mud to go mudding?
No idea
First of all, your map is by far the best in the game (in my opinion), it’s my go to after a day’s work to come home and chill out farming on your map, ive created an epic base of operations only cause your map allows me to do that. Love the fields, they only require minimal customization which takes me like 5 minutes, so gold star. My only criticism is your sell points and vehicle shop, would like to see them spaced out more and look like actual sell points and shop, not just random sheds to drop your crops/products off to. But that’s it, awesome map.
Does someone already found all collectibles?
i’m redownloading old version cuz the new update is bug as hell. cant place any thing on the slabs at cow area. this was my fev map tell the update. if this don’t work im done with this awsome map.
ive had issues with the grass that im cutting in 26 turning into chaff after its cutt and straw not dropping on feilds in certain bands. tried a few times and even with no mods it still does it?
Not sure if this will find its way to the developer but…
I am having issues with the cow barn not allowing for me to collect milk from the most Eastern (left) collection point. I have reloaded the game and tried a few times as well as tried with different dairy vehicles but no luck. (I am playing on the PC)
I agree with the other comments about field placement but will be trying my own “ideas” of how to fix that on my own as a “farmer” but having said that as a point it does cause the workers (if not monitored) to potentially cultivate a flield that is almost ready to harvest as it slides over from the adjacent field.
hello my partner loves your map on ps5 but theres a few issues. you have created fields too close to the boundry and she wants to make the corners 90 degrees and not round like you have them you cannot use the construction to alter can you edit the map and make the fields clear from the boundry thanks also the cow pen she wants to add the her own but you have points that cant be deleted please fix the map and update she likes how flat this one is