Usage: Install as usual mod.
Predefined settings:
wheat – 10x increase
barley – 8x increase
oat – 6x increase
cotton – 2x increase
canola – 6x increase
sunflower – 4x increase
soybean – 10x increase
maize – 6x increase
potato – 2x increase
sugarbeet – 2x increase
oilseedradish – 2x increas
poplar – 2x increase
sugarcane – 2x increase
grass – 6x increase
drygrass – 6x increase
Seeds usage for several crops sliglty reduced.
All fertilizer usage is reduced to a bit as well.
Style, you need to do next:
1. Install mod and launch the game. That will generate settings file, which you may find here:
“C: \ Users \ {username} \ Documents \ My Games \ FarmingSimulator2019 \ modsSettings \ EnlargeFieldYield \ enlargeFieldYieldSettings.xml”
2. Open enlargeFieldYieldSettings.xml and edit next attributes:
For crops:
– seedUsagePerSqm – control amount of seed usage. Lower value => less seeds will be used.
– literPerSqm – control yield amount. Lower value => less yield you want to get.
For Fertilizers:
– litersPerSecond – control amount of fertilizer usage. Lower value => less fertilizer will be used ..
Attributes like defaultSeedUsagePerSqm, defaultLiterPerSqm, defaultLitersPerSecond I give for orientation what is in vanilla game.
Error free. Works in multiplayer.
Буде мод на fs25
no corn?
You need to extract the mod settings folder out first and put that into the mod settings folder in your documents folder for farm sim. Put the mod rar file into mod folder as normal and it should show up in game.
the mod does’nt show in game when i put it in mods folder or pdlc folder
My game does not see the mod … Not a working mod !!!