– 7500USD
– 1/1 Price of Material
– Seeds
– Fertalizer
– Liquid Fertilizer
– Lime
– Herbicide
Water, Diesel, Seeds, Fertilizer, Lime, Liquid Fertilizer, Herbicide, Road Salt, Horse Food, Chicken Feed, Pig Food, Mineral Feed, Silage Additive, Silage, TMR, Manure, Slurry, Grass, Hay, and Straw Refill Stations
Fixed the issue where you couldn’t sell them after you placed them and added several more…
Iconik Upgrades
I downloaded it and put it in with other mods and cannot find this now anywhere inside the game. Bummer because it seems to be what I was looking for.
its in shop “p” key. then “construction” then its in “tools” is where it usually is. hope this helps and please reply if it works for u im trying to use the mod but when im near silo i need to get out of tractor then jump back in to promp reill icon
Love the mod thanks! Only issue I’ve found is you can’t remove them once placed. No way to sell or destroy.
Love the mod! Only issue I’ve found is you can’t remove them once placed.
thank`s fot that 😀