Your cousin Joe just came in town and is up to one of his old schemes. He said he knows a couple of loggers who want to buy some moonshine, and he has everything you need to get the business going!!
Placeable Category: Production Factories
Price: 5000 $
Input: Water + Woodchips + Yeast + Mash + Sugar + Malt
Outputs: Clairin Moonshine
Input: Water + Woodchips + Yeast + Mash + Sugar + Malt
Outputs: Grape Moonshine
Input: Water + Woodchips + Yeast + Maize + Sugar + Malt
Outputs: Corn Moonshine
Input: Water + Woodchips + Yeast + Olive + Sugar + Malt
Outputs: 200 Proof Moonshine
Input: Water + Woodchips + Yeast + Mash + Sugar + Malt
Outputs: Berry Moonshine
Fermenting Shed
Placeable Category: Production Factories
Price: 1000 $
Input: Moonshine
Outputs: Aged Moonshine
Fruit Mash Shed
Placeable Category: Production Factories
Price: 1000 $
Input: Water + Barley or Water + Wheat
Outputs: Malt
Input: Grape + Strawberry
Outputs: Fruit Mash
Input: Water + Flour + Sugar + Raisins
Outputs: Yeast
Bootleg Brew House
Placeable Category: Production Factories
Price: 30000 $
Input: Water + Yeast + Malt
Outputs: Porter Ale/ IPA Ale/ Pale Ale/ Kolsch/ Pilsner Lager
Input: Water + Yeast + Malt + Strawberry
Outputs: Saison Ale
Input: Water + Yeast + Malt + Chocolate
Outputs: Amber Ale
Input: Water + Yeast + Malt + Wheat
Outputs: Wheat Beer
Input: Water + Yeast + Malt + Oat
Outputs: Stout Ale
FireBrew Bar and Grill
Placeable Category: Production Sellpoints
Price: $55000
Hooch Sellpoint
Placeable Category: Production Sellpoints
Price: $1
Sell your hooch at a premium to a blackmarket distributor.
V4.0.1.0 Update – Fixed White Boxes on Spawn Pallets