Porto Barrinha Farm V1.0

Porto Barrinha Farm

Fazenda Porto Barrinha, Map Based on the region between Barrinha SP and Jaboticabal SP
Contains cultural varieties, extras in detail, accurately simulating the region for a real gaming experience
– The map has 3 prepared locations, one main and 2 medium locations, one of them starting with the player with a field.
– The map, in addition to the original crops, has extra crops such as: black beans, brachiaria, millet, rye, sorghum and rice.
– It has 1 grain sale, Interfloat cooperative.
– Contains a sugarcane factory.
– Sale of bales, wool, cotton, milk, eggs and silage at the fair.
– A timber company for the sale of logs
– Bga can be created based on the player’s taste.
– You can fill water tanks at the water tank in one of 3 locations.
– The headquarters has a machine repair workshop.
– Double lane highway to reach the factory and sale, there will also be an SP station on the highway


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zip FS22_PortoBarrinhaFarm 794 MB

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