This is just a little mod I wrote to allow the use of $mapdir$, $moddir$, and $FS22_SomeModName$ inside of more configuration xml files than the vanilla game allows.
Once again, this was written based on a request. The idea was to allow mods to dynamically load files from other mods via xml configuration (like vehicle and placeable xml files).
The format goes as follows:
$mapdir$path/to/filename.xml uses the current map mod folder
$moddir$path/to/filename.xml uses the current mods folder
$FS22_SomeModName$path/to/filename.xml uses a specific mod folder
ChangeLog v1.0.0.1:
Added $pdlcdir$ tag
Added “!” tag suffix
Sorry still very new to Modding. If I was using this to build mad and wanted to add a wagon to a horse husbandry do I need anything other than the file path?
I mean is this correct because it isn’t working.
manureHeap node=”manureHeap” filename=”$data/placeables/lizard/manureHeap/manureHeapExtension.xml”