EX8000 and Terrafarm Updated 4.0 added vehicles from various authors redone and put in by category for new added items.
Ex8000 has bucket options now
Higher Cost
Longer life 720 instead of normal 600
**Terrafarm includes following added nothing changed to base file V4 Terrafarm
4MR Machines Cat
Cat 992
Cat 994
Cat 6015B
Ashland Scraper
4MR 2600
4MR 470
4MR EX8000
Hitachi 350LC Telescope
Liebherr 9800
EC950 Bucket
SFC Mods TerraFarm, 4Mr converted by Hazmat
Unzip the folder and make a new zipfile for “FS_Terrafarm” there is a doublefolder in the terrafarm zip file
Using the newest version and cant start the game with this version of terrafarm installed
i can’t get this one to work
yeah i cant either. i wonder if we have another mod causin it problems?
do i need both terrafarm and terrafarm mce edition active for it to work right with mce map?
I can’t get either of them to work
i wonder if we have a mod causin conflict?