This Machine is capable of devouring hundreds of trees and trunks in a few seconds, so its price is quite high.
– Main Colour Selection
– Price: $ 25,000
– Capacity: 0 L
– Price (unreal): $ 125,000
– Capacity (unreal): 50,000 L
raulycristi1 [VSR Modding Sur]
This is a FS19 mod, somesmartass just changed the name of the file and submitted this here.
Is this mod broken? I’m trying to use it and it just shows sawdust, will knock the leaves off the tree, but the tree never comes down. I’ve tried multiple trees now and am still not able to take any of them down.
Crap. Leaves stumps with every cut and “cuts down hundreds of trees in seconds”? Didn’t see any of that.
I have found that if you’re too close, sometimes it grinds like you’re grinding a rock. Back up a tad till you see the sawdust flying.
Doesn’t work for certain Expansion trees.