This is Korpi! A place in the Finnish wilderness, will you survive?
– This is a start-from-scratch map, i.e. at any starting level you don’t own anything at the beginning of the game.
– No ready fields.
– A lot of forest.
– Very few of “roads”.
– Sales locations for all products can be found in the middle of the map.
pretty awesome fuckin’ map! though i would like to see some placeable like that of NML, and it’s lacking some custom textures but overall great map
Love this map. Similar to No Mans Land but a little more detail in the terrain. Because of the map location some of the winter months are almost entirely dark so i usually set a fixed visual month. Setting up lights is an option but the way they show light in full sunlight doesnt look right to me. There is a weird sound like from a sports arena at the corner of lots 32, 33, 42, and 43