The map features a large forest trail, large working farm, train, custom sell points and productions large town rolling hills and much more. The original was from FS15 and was an edit of West Bridge Hills. This is a full rebuild on the FS22 game engine.
15/12/2023 map updated to V1.0.1.2
To move forwards and have everything error free with or with out Premium DLC I had to go backwards with the map.. This update requires a New Game Save.
13/12/2023 09:50am Fix Update V1.0.1.0 scrapped due to more issues.
A fix has been applied to the map. The fertilizer field states were not working correctly and have been fixed. This requires a new game save folks.
This new updated version of the map requires a brand new game save. It can not be used with old saves.
The maps fruit channels have been raised and new fruits added see the end of the video for the still pictures. The map has been totally foliage repainted with more detail added. Productions have been added to the main farm yard. The Ropa’s included with the map are DLC ready and headers are included. You will find them in the misc section of the store. The Kotte multitanker found in the slurry tanks store section has been updated. New effects added so vehicles and trailers show all needed fruit particles and a water trigger added to the small concrete dock between the first 2 cow sheds at the main farm. Sell points and storage have all been updated as well and more. Have fun with this new version many hours have been spent on the update. Many thanks for all your support kindest regards, Stevie.
You can now load and play the new map version with or without the new Premium DLC.
Update V1.0.0.9 Scrapped due to DLC issues.
Update 25/08/2023 15:10 UK time.
The map has been updated to V1.0.0.8 This does not require a new game save.
The maps alfalfa has been totally reworked, the maps bales have been updated to the latest Giants models and textures which had changed at some point and I was unaware.
The placeable Brewery has been expanded with honeyshine, strawberry wine and whiskey and the sell points have been updated. Other small tweaks have been applied.
Update V1.0.0.7 08/07/20203 16:45pm UK time.
Updates the map with the extras from my FS22 Tranquil Waters map, also changes made to the map night lighting, fixes compost and anhydrous particles, raises the BGA digestate fill pipe, fixes the production text for the flour mill and adds in more small details.. No new save is required but I suggest you sell of my chopped beets and mineral feed productions if you have them installed as all my productions are updated with this update.
FS22 Ringwood’s V1.0.0.4 small update. 14.02pm 12/11/2022.
If you are moving to V1.0.0.4 you need to start a new game save, If you are already on V1.0.0.4 you need not restart with this small update.
This update add’s many new textures and visuals around the map and the animal menu screen now shows the custom food requirements which the map uses without the maize plus mod which I do not use. The map had custom feed requirements before the maize plus mod came out just like my other maps did in previous farm sim games. The Feeding robots are all set up to use my feed requirements so using other mods may break them. Also Alfalfa when wrapped converts to normal silage bales not the Alfalfa_Silage or Alfalfa_Fermented fill types again mods that try to force this may break the map.
Major update and requires new save.
Fixes and improves added multifruits, adds new visuals and more.
The map is updated to game patch 1.8* and has the inclusion of new custom multi fruits and textures plus fixes and updates to tip points, the farm storage, removable farm house, barn and fences and much more. Added machines for harvesting carrot’s and onion’s seen in the video to the misc sections of the store. There’s no longer 2 versions of the map just this new one that supports maize plus, grazing, and more. This update requires a brand new game save.
Small Update for V1.0.0.2 for both map versions 21/10/2022 14:20.
If you have moved already to V1.0.0.2 this small update does not require a new game it will work with your current save. Adjustment made to stone sizes and stone density to reduce and balance out the stone field yield.
V1.0.0.2 20/10/2022 19:40 FS22 Ringwood’s Maize Plus Edition By Stevie download link added.
This has had some reduced functionality so that the Maize Plus mods can be used without density height errors. The ability to tip sugar products from productions to ground was removed.
V1.0.0.2 19/10/2022 FS22 Ringwood’s By Stevie map update.
This new update requires a new game save. Fixes all genuine reported issues that were correct when I tested them and adds the new custom modified stones layer into the map. Updated stone picker mod also included. Unzip the download file and place the zips into your mods folder. Load and play.
Small Map update 16/10/2022 15:30, the farms 3 silage bunkers made removable.
I have just updated and uploaded the new map file however if you download again you will have to start a new game as it’s a placeable. Or you can go into your gamesave folder select the gamesave for Ringwood’s then find the placeables.xml and open it with the free program notepad++. Once open scroll down until you find the entries for the first 3 bunker silo’s and change the farmId=”0″ to farmId=”1″ for each of the 3 bunker entries. Save and reload your game and now you will be able to remove them with starting over. If you don’t download the new version just updated with your request you will have to edit the game save file each time you load a new game with the map version you currently have. Kindest Regards Stevie. PS do not edit the 3 bunker entries lower down in the gamesaves placeables.xml as they are the ones located at the BGA.
The map has just been updated 15/10/2022 14:30.
Greenhouse production has been increased and also animal feed capacity has also been increased on the cow pen and feeding robot, pig pen, sheep pen and chicken pen.
would love to try this map but it doesn’t show up as a playable map once in mod folder. i’ve tried every version possible and still doens’t work.
I love this map but but there is a problem with the points of sale
Great map, will it also be updated for the Göwell Dlc?
The map is very nice, but it doesn’t see the FS 22 v1.7.1.0 version. What can I do about it?
Köszi szépen nagyon szuper map lett !!
none of the buildings ever seem to come with the map even after i unzip it, can some one help me out?
Nice map and work. But it uses way to much seeds in some fruit types and fertiliser. I used 150000 EUR to fertilise one field.
Hey, I had this issue too. He (stevie) changed a file in de map zip file so the fertilizer is lighter then original. As fs22 uses weight to apply fetilizer, it needs to use more cuz it weights less 😉 He also changed the price. I put in the orignal values that came with fs22 and its all fine again. I hope this helps u out
I changed a file in de zip file: maps_fillTypes.xml
line 1991 : <physics massPerLiter=“0.8” maxPhysicalSurfaceAngle=“15” />
line 1992 <economy pricePerLiter=“1.60” />
Wow! Another great map from Stevie. Thanks for all your hard work and attention to detail.
another nice map!!!I have not come across any map you have made that was not playablle fun 1st time out,,,I have request…you made a map for 2017 that was for person w/cancer..could you convert it to 2022 w/ fs22 perks. I think it would have great possibilities..PLEASE keep up the great work you do & TY for your time comsumption making the maps!!