I am deciding to release my Royalton map for you all to have. It was made by me a little while back for me and my friends to enjoy so if you want to get it from me and not some puke who decides to leak it here ya go. Wanna give credit where its due so here is some people who I have used scripting from and/or map objects.
PMC snake map for DEM and satellite imagery
DR Modding
No creek farms
CBJ midwest modding
LBJ modding
4MR modding
My buddy Kyle
Tired iron modding
Ryan Kusumo Dhewanto for GSI grain bins and Dryers
GIANTS software
Txzar mapping
Scripts: LS-Modcompany/kevink98, LKX/Stegei, Evgeny.
Is there anyway someone could make some center pivots for it?
Someone just added center pivots in the mods but i don’t know how to move them to the fields.
Not sure myself usually the past have been different ways one was to be at the spot another was buy it and move them to the area ya wanna place them.
you need the dev controls mod.
Love the map great layout as I live in MN its nice to have a map that represents it. The only issue im having is the theres no sell point trigger and none of the farms have unloading points but other than that awesome map.
I know I just downloaded this map, love it but don’t know how to add sell points
It’s not hard. Purchase land ya wanna place them and boom then do the landscaping around it.
in general the PDA mapshould be shown.