This is the version for FS22 of the TCBO MCE map. The map can have some problems because this is a convertion from FS19 map.
Attention on this:
– You can make farming on this map but you need create your own fields.
– The map have a sawmill to selling wood and woodchips and have many default factories.
– Remember this map have as main objective working on mining and public works. For complete experience you need play with the right mods (Terrafarm, MCE ferry pack). – On this map you dont find any pile with materials, so you can´t dig nothing without terrafarm. The map its only to play with terrafarm. If you dont have or dont like terrafarm this map is not for you.
I recommend start a new save game for you can see all changes, but if you want continue a save game, you need put a code inside your placeables.xml. The file placeables.xml is inside your save folder from your current game with TCBO MCE.
1- open the placeables.xml
2 – go to the last line and before </placeables> you put the code i post bellow. Do not delete any line or word, only copy and paste the code. If you have doubts go to my discord channel and i help you.
<placeable modName=”FS22_TCBO_MCE” filename=”$moddir$FS22_TCBO_MCE/maps/placeables/glassfactory/glassfactory.xml” id=”75″ position=”-605.65002441406 188.59899902344 150.57899475098″ rotation=”0 17.076000557145 0″ age=”1.000000″ price=”60000.000000″ farmId=”1″ mapBoundId=”sellingStationBakery”> <productionPoint productionCostsToClaim=”0.029491″> <production id=”glass” isEnabled=”true”/> <storage farmId=”1″> <node fillType=”GLASS” fillLevel=”0″/> <node fillType=”PROPANE” fillLevel=”0″/> </storage> </productionPoint> </placeable>
Warning: This version of the map only work with Platinum Edition.
You need start a new save game to see all changes on right conditions.
You need the Terex crusher V4 for produce Coal Powder and crushedcoal.
Attention on this:
– You can make farming on this map but you need create your own fields.
– The map have a sawmill to selling wood and woodchips and have many default factories.
– Remember this map have as main objective working on mining and public works. For complete experience you need play with the right mods (terrafarm, MCE ferry pack).
– This map dont have any pile for materials, so you can´t dig nothing without terrafarm. The map its only to play with terrafarm, if you dont have or dont like terrafarm this map is not for you.
ChangeLog V4.0:
– add collisions on walls
– add new textures for filltypesTP
– add attacher on the cranes
– change the capacity for diesel on oilrig
– add farmhouse (to sleep)
– add silo for agriculture products
– add piles on the ground from the production facilities (platinum dlc)
– increase the capacity on stone processor, riversand processor and ironprocessor
– add coal mine underground
– add ironOre (platinum), crushedcoal, coalpowder.
– add sellingstation for ship containers on harbor
– add hotspots on PDA MAP for Tires Shop, Coal Mine and Crudeoil extraction point.
– remove a building and replace with a shed for vehicles on farm house.
– adjust unload trigger on steel processor
– translations (PT / PT-BR / FR / DE / KR / EN)
– Rubber apears on BigBags
Changelog v2:
– add all products by default (wheat, maize, etc) to the selling stations.
– remove grass from roads
– add filltype propane and rubble
– add glass factory
– increase discharge speed on pallets
– fix steel pallet
– adjust diesel consumption on rock processor
– change some textures
– change all ground textures for FS22
– fix sheet marble pallet
– new textures for bricks pallet
– change the triggers on bricks factory
– fix the problem with trees (cant make woodchips)
TCM (FS19)
FS Miner
unknow modders
Why when i fill the Gold Processor up, does it say ” Out of space” when i try and run it? I havent produced anything yet having just filled it up. What am i doing wrong?
i just ran into the same issue. i believe you are referring to the gold wash plant right? i have it filled with dirt and diesel but for “outgoing products” it is 0. and i am playing on pc so i know i have space……… unless maybe that white tarp under the ” tailings chute is blocking it from producing? i think thats the problem
What a coincidence, I have the exact same problem and am looking for a solution as well. If you find a solution, please let me know. Could it be that you need to have the Platinum Edition?
i figured it out!! when i switched to pc from console i never re-purchased the platinum expansion. if you dont have it youll need it for the raw material mining.
So, did you buy the Platinum Edition, and the white tarp trough was missing?
Yes after I bought platinum the tarp disappeared and I started producing
most mining and other mods, like a few loggin, you need the platinum extension.
So have been trying everything to interact with the button inside the cabin, Liebherr lr 1600/2 to make it turn. All of the other X marks are there and work, but i must turn to build it. anyone please. I can send log files or any other, if it will fix this.
Thanks Gamers.
I have been trying everything to interact with the button inside the cabin, to make it turn. All of the other X marks are there and work, but i must turn to build it. anyone please. I can send log files or any other, if it will fix this.
Thanks Gamers
it doesnt work the materials like the soil and all the other stuff doesnt spawn in
works fine for me to
Can’t load tar, can’t hook anything with box crane at port.
needs an update digging areas don’t have dirt or gravel in them
i get it to 30% then it wont work
works fine for me
cant get it to work it gets to 85% then doesn’t load any more it also says that it wants updating in downloadable content on the gam but cant update
It happens for me too, but only after I have put in that code inside the placeables.xml.
If I dont put in that text in the placeables.xml its working