Here is something to delight fans of role play or other players. The miscellaneous pallet pack. They can be purchased directly from the store,
they can be loaded using a forklift, or directly by hand. In this archive that you must unzip in your mods folder, you will find 13 different palettes. Warning Unzip the archive, in your mods folder.
Voici de quoi ravir les amateurs de rôle play ou autres joueurs.
Le pack palettes divers.
Elles sont achetables directement au store,
elles peuvent êtres chargées à l’aide d’un chariot élévateur, ou bien directement à la main.
Dans cette archive que vous devez dézippé dans votre dossier mods,
vous trouverez 13 palettes différentes.
Attention Dézipez l”archive, dans votre dossier mods.
does anyone know what the pallets are that are named as follows, I have all the pallet packs for fs22 that are on this site. Tjakka, Scarolles, Perrier, Vin Mouton Cadet, Grezil, Cochon de la TRAPPE, Caisses CFP and Biscuits Sylvain Rouger. All of the names are as they appear in when buying in the game or as they appear on the mod selection when creating a new saved game. Hope you can help me.