The Volvo FH16 Pack includes the following:
– FH16 SLT (2019) (Different liveries)
Price from €355,200 depending on the version
– FH16 2 axle (2018)
Price from €255,400 depending on the version
– FH16 3 axle (2019)
Price from €289,500 depending on the version
– FH16 drop frame (2018)
Price from €277,895 depending on version
– FH16 SLT (2018)
Price from €319,500 depending on the version
– FH16 Harken lift (2019)
Price from €333,900 depending on the version
– FH16 setting frame (2019)
Price from €319,500 depending on the version
Color choice of the rims
Prolonged color and dirt interfall
Mostly real prices (as far as can be determined)
Adjusted weights
Luxxmodding (HR Forst und Fahrzeugbau) and EasyCoopClanTV
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