Farming Simulator 22 Elmcreek Screenshots

Farming Simulator 22 Elmcreek Screenshots

Farming Simulator 22 Elmcreek map will have a lot to offer to us: rocky canyon, a hidden cave, railway underpasses, a baseball stadium and many more in the Midwestern landscape that will have a lot of rivers and streams as well. Giants have also shared a video trailer of that map located just below.

Short summary of main things in the map is highlighted just below. If you want to read more about the map you can check: Farming Simulator 22 Elmcreek. FS22 game creators also have some good news that the map was upgraded from the first version that we talked months ago.

Farming Simulator 22 Elmcreek Screenshots

Short info about the map:

Inspired by the US Midwest with an out-of-town feeling
Various increases and decreases in landscape elevation
Vast areas of farmlands with enough room to grow your farm
81 predefined fields (merge, or create more!)
Various field shapes and sizes from small to big
Various things to discover

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